Android Phone's Camera Not Working? Try These DIY Hacks!

Android Phone's Camera Not Working? Try These DIY Hacks!​

Android smartphone's camera showing a black screen when ON? Check for any lens obstruction, probably a phone case. If not, try these DIY hacks or visit professional online phone repair shops like ours.


At times, a simple restart can solve this issue or any other glitch affecting the camera. To do so, follow these steps. (Please note the exact steps can vary from the android version, but the standard one remains the same)

  • Press and hold the Power button for several seconds until the menu appears on your screen.
  • Select 'Restart' to shut down and turn it back on again.

Once it's done, try switching ON the camera. If still facing the issue, reboot your device or perform the factory reset. If not, turn to our next step.

Allow Camera App Permissions

Your mobile phone may need permission for your camera to turn ON to save images on your device or cloud storage. To allow, follow these steps:

  • Press and hold the camera app, then tap the 'i' button to open the 'app info' menu.
  • Then, go to the permission menu.
  • Check for all the necessary permissions, like the camera, location, & microphone, and allow them at once.

Check For System Updates

Sometimes, failed system updates can cause this issue. Therefore, it is necessary to install the essential updates when prompted. Try these steps:

  • Check whether the device is connected to Wi-Fi or mobile data.
  • Open 'Settings'.
  • Tap on 'About Device', then 'System Update'.
  • Push the 'Check for Updates' button.

Try Force Stop On Your Camera App

Still unable to access your camera? Open 'Settings', then Apps & Notifications, and scroll to 'Camera'. Last, tap on 'Force Stop', then 'OK'. Now, launch your camera app to check if it works.

Clear Camera Cache

Caches are collected in the camera app to upgrade its performance, which may corrupt the app due to excessive cache data. Try clearing it using these steps:

  • Long press on the camera app icon and open the app info menu.
  • Tap 'Storage' and then the Cache menu.
  • Click on 'Clear Cache'.

Bonus Tip

If you use your smartphone for heavy tasks like gaming or fast charging, chances are it may get heated up. In such a case, wait for your phone to cool down.

Last Verdict

We hope the above DIY hacks have solved the problem. If not, try third-party camera apps, but at the expense of their quality. The best-recommended practice is to consult a professional online phone shop. At Tecsurgery, we believe in the highest repair quality possible at an unbelievable price range.
